Danish politics, economy, religion and more

The only thing that some people know about Denmark in Europe and the USA is that the Nordic country has great public services and that pretty much everything works fine up here. Is this true? How are danish politics and institutions? What is the danish economy like? What political parties rule the country? Since I moved to Denmark I have had the chance to know the country and being politics and economics some of my biggest interests I wanted to share some of my findings and opinions with you. Hopefully, the topic won't be too boring. I have checked how many people read my posts and the most read one was the one in which I talked about student parties in Copenhagen so I don't expect this one to become number one. Let's get started with it though. Denmark is a parliamentary constitutional monarchy like Spain. Margrethe II is the current queen and she has been Denmarks' head of state since 1972. She has practically no powers and her role is mainly representative...