Jutland Road Trip

I am back with the blog after some months to tell you about some spots and experiences that you can't miss. I would recommend this road trip to everyone that is living in Denmark and also to people that have never visited the country before. During my first year in Denmark, I explored Copenhagen and its surroundings a lot but I was really looking forward to leaving Zealand and getting to know the rest of Denmark. A week of holidays in the middle of a pandemic (closed international borders) was the perfect chance to finally visit Jutland. Jutland is a big peninsula attached to continental Europe. It borders Germany. It belongs to Denmark and even if it might not be as known it has almost the same amount of inhabitants as Zealand (the island where Copenhagen is located). They say that Jutland is the soul of Denmark. Most people that live in Copenhagen claim to have Jysk ancestors. It has rural areas but also beautiful beaches, busy ports, and big cities. Out of the 5 biggest cities ...