Learning Danish

If someone had told me 5 years ago that I would be learning danish I would have told them to stop taking drugs. Danish has around 6 million native speakers (less than my mother tongue Catalan) and is only used in Denmark. Before moving to Denmark in August 2019 I didn't even know how it sounded. But now, here I am. Module 4 and watching Borgen in the language of H.C Andersen. If moving to Denmark was the best decision of my life, learning the language is probably the second-best. I didn't think it was worth it at first because, in my mind, English was enough to live in Denmark. And that is actually true as Denmark is a country where most people are fluent in English. But this does not mean that Danish is not the main language in the Danish society and that Danes do not speak it when they are not surrounded by foreigners. So, if you really want to feel at home in Denmark you need to learn the language. Languages are not only a way to communicate. You can communicate yourself in...